Flender mechanical power transmission couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

Technical Information Mechanical Power Transmission Couplings G n No parallel key standard Balancing of shaft and coupling hub after key seating, but without parallel key. Not used in practice. Marking of shaft and hub with "N" (for "no"). The length of the parallel key is determined by the shaft keyway. Coupling hubs may be designed considerably shorter than the shaft. To prevent imbalance forces caused by projecting parallel key factors when balancing in accordance with the half parallel key standard, in the case of applications with high balancing quality requirements, grooved spacer rings can be fitted or stepped parallel keys used. Flender Balancing Standard The balancing quality level, together with the operating speed, results in the maximum permissible eccentricity of the centre of gravity of the coupling or the coupling subassembly. In the Flender number the balancing quality can be preset with the part help of the definitive ordering code. Additionally, the balance quality level to DIN ISO 21940, can be preset in combination with the application operating speed. e = 9550 • ― perm e ≤ e coupl perm Permitted eccentricity of center of gravity: e in μm perm Eccentricity of centre of gravity of coupling: e in μm coupl Balancing quality level: G inmm/s Coupling speed: n in rpm Eccentricity of centre of Flender Order gravity of coupling e balancing quality code coupl maximum100 μm standard balancing without specification maximum40 μm fine balancing W02 maximum16 μm micro-balancing W03 better than 16 μm special balancing on request www.jbj.co.uk/couplings.html#flender G 1 G 4 G 10 G 16 G 25 G 40 102 10 1 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 103 102 4 2 6 8 2 4 6 8 103 104 G 1.6 G 2.5 G 6.3 G_MD10_EN_00007a Eccentricity of center of gravity eperm. in µm Coupling speed in rpm On request Micro-balancing Fine balancing Standard balancing 5 #DriveLineHarmony