5 #DriveLineHarmony www.jbj.co.uk/spider-couplings.html Jaw-in-shear Couplings Selection Process Jaw In-Shear Coupling Selection Process The selection process for determining the proper Jaw In-Shear coupling size requires using the charts shown in this section. There are four components to be selected, two hubs, one elastomer spider, and one ring. Information necessary before a coupling can be selected: ■ HP (or kW) and RPM oroTrque of Driver ■ Shaft sizes of Driver and Driven equipment and ■ Corresponding keyways ■ Application description, including operation details ■ Environmental conditions (temperature, space limitations, or corrosive/chemicals) Steps In Selecting A Jaw In-Shear Coupling Step 1: Determine the Nominal/Torque (Tkn) of your application: in-lbs = Tkn = (HP x 63025) RPM Nm = Tkn = (KW x 9550) RPM Step 2: Calculate your Application Service Factor using charts on this page. The total Service Factor (K) will be: K = K1 x K2 x K3 Step 3: Calculate the Design Torque (Tkmax) of your application. Design Torque = Nominal Torque x Service Factor: Tkmax = Tkn x K Step 4: Use the Jaw In-Shear Torque Rating table on page 6. Scan down this chart to the first entry where both the Tkn and Tkmax torque values for the coupling size are greater than your application. Once this coupling size is determined, ensure that your application does not exceed the maximum RPM or maximum bore size for that hub. Step 5: Once the coupling size, maximum RPM and maximum Bore has been verified, refer to pages 7 and 8 for dimensional data. Application Service Factor (K1) Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 Driven Machine Examples Prime Mover Electric Motor Standard Torque High Torque (a) Uniform operation, with small masses to be accelerated. Hydraulic and centrifugal pumps, light generators, blowers, fans, ventilators, belt/screw conveyors 1.0 1.4 (b) Uniform operation, with medium masses to be accelerated. Sheet metal bending machines, wood working machines, mills, textile machines, mixers 1.4 1.8 (c) Medium masses to be accelerated & irregular operation. Rotating ovens, printing presses, generators, shredders, winders, spinning machines, pumps for viscous fluids 1.7 2.0 (d) Medium masses to be accelerated, irregular operation & shocks. Concrete mixers, drop hammers, cable cars, paper mills, compression pumps, propeller pumps, rope winders, centrifuges 2.0 2.2 (e) Large masses to be accelerated, irregular operation & heavy shocks. Excavators, hammer mills, piston pumps, presses, rotary boring machines, shears, forge presses, stamping presses 2.2 2.4 (f) Very large masses to be accelerated, irregular operation & heavy shocks. Piston type compressors and pumps without speed variations, heavy roll sets, welding machines, brick presses, stone crushers 2.3 2.8 Uninterrupted Time of Operation Factor Up to 8 hours per day 1.00 More than 8 hours, up to 16 hours/day 1.10 More than 16, up to 24 hours/day 1.15 List of Charts provided for Selection: ■ Chart 1 – Application Service Factor K1 (page 5) ■ Chart 2 – Service Factor for Operational Period K2 (page 5) ■ Chart 3 – Service Factor for Starts per Hour K3 (page 5) ■ Jaw In-Shear Torque Rating Data (page 6) Service Factor for Operation Period (K2) Operation, Per Table K1: a-c d-f Up to 10 starts/stops per hour 1.0 1.0 More than 10, up to 40 per hour 1.4 1.5 More than 40, up to 125 per hour 1.8 2.0 More than 125, up to 250 per hour 2.2 2.5 Service Factor for Starts per Hour (K3)