Screw pump relief valves from jbj Techniques Limited

7 EV3: 3 way valve with pressure control For hydraulic oils, lubricating oils, fuel oils and cooling lubricants emulsions. Control is with pneumatic circuit: • ON / OFF function changes from free discharge to regulated pressure • max pressure is controlled setting the pneumatic pressure • pneumatic control-setting group can be also remote mounted from - valve (suggested max 1 m tube). • option: proportional control valve pressure and on-off fuctions controlled by PLC or external control Standard version characteristics Emulsion oil min 5% ** ΔP IN-OUT 1-1,5 bar. - For different functional characteristics, please contact jbj Techniques Limited technical office, telephone: 01737 767493 or email: Pressure Relief & Control Valves EV3 Series 3-Way Valve