the range of SIT coupling types available from jbj Techniques Limited

Ordering Code GB GB 100 GB: bolt coupling Size Coupling Description Bolt Couplings A A L ØD Ød S Section A-A The bolt coupling is a rigid coupling. It is made of two halves, which are cast iron grade GG25 connected by means of bolts. It is maintenance and lubrication free. Additionally, its construction prevents fretting corrosion and allows for easy mounting and dismounting. The bolt coupling is designed to connect horizontal shafts with similar diameters. If different application, please contact jbj Techniques Limited technical office, telephone +44 (0)1737 767493 or email: The indicated torque values refer to couplings without keyways. To transmit higher torques it is possible to machine keyways by following DIN 6885/1. The values of the torque have been calculated with a coefficient of friction equal to 0,15 and with a screw tightening torque according to the indicated value (DIN 912 - 8.8). 55 55 140 220 11 M14 6 1637 135 200 600 60 60 140 242 13 M14 6 1637 135 215 850 125 125 275 430 25 M24 10 870 710 - 11000 30 30 96 145 8 M10 4 2388 49 35 60 45 45 113 190 7 M12 4 1976 86 75 125 25 25 74 115 6,5 M8 4 3098 25 20 40 70 70 160 260 15 M14 6 1433 135 255 1700 d D L S Number n Ms M max T Size Screws 35 35 103 158 7 M10 4 2226 49 40 80 -1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) of Screws (min ) (Nm) Without Keyway With Keyway 20 20 74 110 5,5 M8 4 3098 25 20 25 40 40 116 174 7 M12 4 2029 86 65 100 50 50 120 205 7 M12 6 1910 86 120 150 90 90 210 310 20 M16 8 1091 210 310 3800 100 100 225 343 20 M16 8 1019 210 600 5400 80 80 185 279 16 M14 6 1239 135 290 2500 110 110 250 390 22 M24 8 920 710 - 7500 120 120 275 430 27,5 M24 10 870 710 - 11000 65 65 150 250 13 M14 6 1528 135 235 1250 160 160 365 560 40 M27 12 750 1050 - 23000 140 140 325 490 35 M27 10 800 1050 - 15000 11 #DriveLineHarmony