Pip Flanges / Port Flanges available from jbj Techniques Ltd.

Pipe Flanges SAE -Adaptor Flange with Test-Point Hochdruckf l nsche 38 Material: 1. FE 510 (ST 52.3), FE 430 (ST 44.3) ................. Carbon Steel 2. 1.4404, 316L stainless ....................................... Stainless Steel ordering code: FE 430/510 1.4404 adaptor-flange only AGL-... AGL-x... Note: Stainless steel flanges are supplied with zinc plated bolts where necessary. seireS000.3 eziS epyT A B C D E F G L thgieW gk 1 / 2 " 080-LGA G 1 / 4 " 21 01.83 55 84.71 83 42 0.9 54.0 3 / 4 " 001-LGA G 1 / 4 " 91 36.74 56 32.22 05 42 0.11 06.0 "1 201-LGA G 1 / 4 " 42 73.25 07 91.62 05 42 0.11 06.0 1 1 / 4 " 401-LGA G 1 / 4 " 23 27.85 18 81.03 07 32 5.21 57.0 1 1 / 2 " 601-LGA G 1 / 4 " 83 58.96 59 17.53 87 42 5.31 08.0 "2 801-LGA G 1 / 4 " 05 77.77 201 88.24 09 42 5.31 52.1 seireS000.6 1 / 2 " 104-LGA G 1 / 4 " 21 94.04 55 42.81 83 42 0.9 54.0 3 / 4 " 204-LGA G 1 / 4 " 91 08.05 07 08.32 05 42 0.11 06.0 "1 304-LGA G 1 / 4 " 42 51.75 18 67.72 07 32 0.31 57.0 1 1 / 4 " 404-LGA G 1 / 4 " 23 86.66 59 57.13 87 42 0.51 08.0 1 1 / 2 " 504-LGA G 1 / 4 " 83 83.97 211 05.63 49 42 0.71 04.1 "2 604-LGA G 1 / 4 " 15 28.69 431 54.44 411 42 0.12 75.1