Flender mechanical power transmission couplings available from jbj Techniques Limited

www.jbj.co.uk/couplings.html#flender G 1 G 4 G 10 G 16 G 25 G 40 102 10 1 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8 103 102 4 2 6 8 2 4 6 8 103 104 G 1.6 G 2.5 G 6.3 G_MD10_EN_00007a Eccentricity of center of gravity eperm. in µm Coupling speed in rpm On request Micro-balancing Fine balancing Standard balancing 4 #DriveLineHarmony Technical Information Mechanical Power Transmission Couplings Coupling standard balancing ν = DA ⋅ n/19100 fine balancing Long version with LG> 3 x DA ν ≤ 15m/s ν > 15m/s Peripheral speed ν inmm/s. Example: Coupling speed = 1450 rpm required balancing quality level G6.3 eperm= 9550 • G= 9550 • 6.3 μm n 1450 Thus, the required eccentricity of centre of gravity is 41.5 μm. The fine balancing with a maximum eccentricity of centre of gravity of 40 mm fulfills this requirement; therefore, the order codeW02 has to be specified when ordering. For many applications the following balancing quality recommendation applies: Short version with LG ≤ 3 x DA ν ≤ 30m/s ν > 30m/s » hub parts without finished bore are unbalanced. Coupling outer diameter DA inmm. Coupling length LG inmm. » For FLUDEX couplings special balancing standards specified in Section 13 apply. » the number of balancing levels (one- or two-level balancing) is specified by Flender. » couplings are balanced in subassemblies. » without special specification balancing is done in accordance with the half-parallel-key standard. Balancing in accordance with the full-parallel-key standardmust be specified in the order number. The following standards on balancingmust be observed: » ARPEX couplings in standard balancing quality are unbalanced. Thanks to steel components machined all over and precisely guided adapters the balancing quality of standard balancing is nearly always adhered to. Coupling speed n in rpm.