Concentric Classic HE Box HE Q Box power packs from jbj Techniques Limited

CONCENTRIC AB-HeBox-EU-2011-7 3 454 315 89 120 410 Grommets for hydraulic outlets and el. cables. Attaching holes M10 (4x) 430 273,50 83,50 35 35 141,50 5 579 540 89 120 264 46 15,5 Grommets for hydraulic outlets and el.cables. 83,50 273,50 5 35 264 141,50 35 46 15,5 He-Box Power Pack with box 1 or 2 kW Performance He-Box Power Pack with box 1, 2 or 3 kW Performance quality products for mechanical & fluid power ~ jbj Techniques Limited, UK distributor for Concentric Hydraulics