Marzocchi Modular Multiple Pumps from jbj Techniques Limited.

Gear Pumps Assembly Kits 46 #DriveLineHarmony Standardmodular multiple pumps feature communicating input areas. GHPA2-D-25-AS+GHPI2-22+ALPP2-D-16 = three-stage multiple pump featuring separate input ports between first and second stage but not between second and third stage. GHPA2-D-25-AS+GHPI2-22+ALPP2-D-16-AS = three-stage multiple pump featuring separate input ports between first and second stage and between second and third stage. The AS option is available if the application requires non communicating input areas, like in two-stage pumps feeding two different fluids to two different circuits. This option features the use of one or more seal rings to separate the intake ports. TR and AS options, featuring reinforced seal ring and noncommunicating input respectively, cannot be used together. Separate Inlets Order example: GHPA2-D-25+GHPI2-22+ALPP2-D-16-AS = three-stagemultiple pump featuring separate input ports between second and third stage. common input port. Standard modular multiple pumps feature the same number of input ports as the number of the stages. The AC option is available if a certain application requires a common input port shared with one or more stages. Please call jbj Techniques Limited technical office tel: +44 (0)1737 767493 or email for more information. As specified in "How toOrder", this option is available only for GHP series, for family 1, 2 and 3, and for assembledmodular multiple pumps. Each stage of the modular multiple pump has a output port as required and/or allowed by the model and two or more adjoining stages will have just one input port, which usually is on the stage featuring the higher displacement, and through which the fluid feeding the stage without input port flows. GHPA2-D-25-AC+GHPP2-D-16-AC = two-stagemultiple pump with Thesemodels have a limited number of available sizes and port types. Common Inlet Order example: